Radiotherapy 2018-02-07T12:02:24+03:00


What is radiotherapy

Radiotherapy means the use of radiation, usually X-rays, to treat illness.

X-rays were discovered in 1895 and since then radiation has been used in medicine for diagnosis and investigation (X-rays) and treatment (radiotherapy). Doctors have a lot of experience with using radiotherapy in medicine.

About 4 out of 10 people with cancer (40%) have radiotherapy as part of their treatment. Radiotherapy uses radiation to kill cancer cells

Radiotherapy is prescribed either:

  • From outside the body as external radiotherapy, using X-rays from linear accelerator machines, electrons, and more rarely other particles such as protons;
  • From within the body as internal radiotherapy, by drinking a liquid that is taken up by cancer cells or by putting radioactive material in, or close to, the tumor.

Radiotherapy treatment that aims to cure cancer is called radical radiotherapy or curative radiotherapy.

The length of the course of treatment depends on the size and type of the cancer and where it is in the body.

The radiotherapy is often combined with other treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy or biological therapy.

Radiotherapy destroys the cancer cells in the treated area by damaging the DNA within these cells.

Although normal cells are also affected by radiation, they are better at repairing themselves than the cancer cells.

The radiotherapy team plans each person’s radiotherapy individually. The treatment aims to give a high dose to the cancer but as low a dose as possible to the surrounding healthy cells. The healthy cells can then recover. This aims to give the highest chance of curing or shrinking the cancer while reducing the risk of side effects.

Some people have radiotherapy to relieve symptoms, for example to reduce pain. This is called palliative treatment.

Before and after surgery

Radiotherapy is sometimes given before surgery to shrink a tumor and so make it safer and easier to remove. It is then called neoadjuvant treatment or preoperative radiotherapy.

Radiotherapy after surgery aims to kill any cancer cells that remain in the area after the operation. It aims to lower the risk of the cancer coming back.

It is often used for breast cancer, cancer of the back passage (rectal cancer), and cancers in the head and neck area. It is called adjuvant treatment or postoperative radiotherapy.

 Total body irradiation (TBI)

Total body irradiation (TBI) is a type of radiotherapy sometimes given to people having a bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant, for example for some types of leukaemia or lymphoma.

Radiation works on the whole body combined with chemotherapy. The treatment destroys the bone marrow cells.

The new bone marrow or stem cells given into thebloodstream. The bone marrow or stem cells are either  own or from someone else (a donor).

Combining radiotherapy with cancer drugs

Chemotherapy can be given before, during or after a course of radiotherapy. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy given together is called chemoradiotherapy or chemoradiation.

Biological therapies can also be combined with radiotherapy to treat some types of cancer.

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Doctors treating you in Austria through AT-MED

Prof. Univ. Dr. Christian Singer, obstetrician-gynecologist

Prof. Univ. Dr. Johannes Drach, internist, specialist in haemato-oncology

Prof. Univ. Dr. Schillinger Martin, cardiologist, angiologist

Prof. Univ. Dr. Ulrich Steinhart, obstetrician-gynecologist

Rainer Kotz

Dr. Rainer Kotz, Orthopedics and endoprotection


Fast! Efficient! Accessible! And a very communicative and enjoyable team. With help of AT MED I was consulted by Prof. Martin Schillinger. I felt in good hands.*

Irene, 40 y.o., Toulouse

The AT MED team meant for me a second chance to live. In my country I wasn’t given any chance but the doctors in Austria made my recovery possible.*

Elissa, 36 y.o., Frankfurt

In my situation the most important aspect was the fast response I got. I was scheduled and started my treatment within days from the first contact. With AT MED I received the best treatment and was treated with respect.*

Lucas, 32 y.o., Bruges

*Disclaimer: All statements belong to our customers. Results and treatments may vary depending on each case.

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  1. Every medical consultation costs 150 – 300 EUR depending on the doctor’s specialization and the complexity of your medical case.
  2. The cost of every oncological therapy session starts from 4900 EUR.
  3. Imagery interpretation costs 150 EUR.
  4. In order to answer your request in maximum 48 hours we need your complete medical record with information about previous interventions, treatments and therapies, smoking habits, allergies as well as important medical information about 1st degree relatives.
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